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Education  industry

Education  industry

2014-5-23 11:07:57

Education  industry

      With the acceleration of the process of education information, whiteboard and related solutions, gradually being recognized and accepted by more education and training institutions. Whiteboard only can be written as traditional blackboard, whiteboard with a variety of custom software has a very convenient interactivity. Teachers can write directly on the whiteboard with a finger, and effective teaching and student interaction. Highly interactive multimedia system, brings unlimited fun. In the case of the quality of teaching to meet the daily, boring teaching content to bring fresh sensory stimulation. At the same time improving the teaching of information technology, educational and entertaining. Interactive educational equipment not only make better arrangements curriculum and teacher training, and distance education can be conducted, as well as the thousands of lectures, so the cost savings in manpower and resources. Equipment is ideal for touch-education interactive education solutions.